Each item on our menu is a fusion of traditional French recipes and cooking methods and new techniques and ingredients and reflects the tastes of the Japanese.
In the old days, our kitchen wasn't the best environment for our staff. Compared to other restaurants, a lot of dishes were cooked on direct flame, which meant that there were times the temperature in the kitchen would reach over 40 degrees, and in this harsh environment, we were working to create a delicious menu. However now we are constantly striving to create a clean and safe environment for our staff to work and offer a delicious and safe menu for our customers. Creating this environment is a key point for us in establishing new restaurant. If we cannot provide this environment for our staff and customers, we would hold back on opening a new restaurant.
The Western-style food culture took root in Japan in the Meiji (1868 – 1912) and Taisho (1912 – 1926) periods. At that time, Western food was considered to be a luxury and people would dress up to visit Western-style restaurants. Traces of that romanticism are still with us today. We hope that when you visit our restaurants, when you sit in your seat and look around yourself, at the picture frames on the wall, at the marks on the tables, the Western accessories decorating the room, the color of the cloth on the chairs, you feel as though you have stepped back in time and can enjoy that romanticism once again.